We strive to process your order within 1-3 business days after placing your order. All domestic orders will be shipped via DHL. Final delivery is via USPS.
Orders placed on Fridays will not be processed until Monday, as our warehouse is closed on weekends. Orders placed on a Holiday will be processed within 1-7 business days after the Holiday.
Orders placed with expedited shipping will be processed and shipped that day if they are placed before 2:00 p.m. . If your order is placed after 2:00 p.m. , it will be processed and shipped the next business day. Please take that into account when selecting expedited shipping as it may affect your expected delivery date. We cannot guarantee shipments will be delivered on weekends.
Typically, your package should be delivered to you within 2-9 business days after it has left our warehouse in Sandy, Utah. Choosestitch is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged packages. To help you with these issues, we offer Route Insurance which covers your order if it gets lost, stolen, or damaged. You can choose to add it to your order at the checkout. If your package is lost, stolen or damaged and you did purchase Route Insurance, please contact them directly. If you did not purchase Route Insurance and your package is lost or stolen, we recommend you contact the carrier to file a claim or your local authorities.
International orders
We strive to process your order within 1-3 business days after placing your order. All international orders are shipped via DHL. Typically, your package should be delivered to you within 10-15 business days after leaving our warehouse. This may vary depending on the Customs process in the destination country. Customers may be charged duties and tariffs on their international orders at the time of delivery in the local currency. Choosestitch is not responsible for any country specific tariffs or duties. Customers will incur any costs associated with duties, taxes, and/or customs. If you used a promo code or received any discount on your order, you will be charged taxes or duties on the original prices.
We strive to process your order within 1-3 business days after placing your order. All international orders are shipped via DHL. Typically, your package should be delivered to you within 10-15 business days after leaving our warehouse. This may vary depending on the Customs process in the destination country. Customers may be charged duties and tariffs on their international orders at the time of delivery in the local currency. Choosestitch is not responsible for any country specific tariffs or duties. Customers will incur any costs associated with duties, taxes, and/or customs. If you used a promo code or received any discount on your order, you will be charged taxes or duties on the original prices. Choosestitch will not alter any invoices or pricing in an attempt to avoid international fees or charges.
will not alter any invoices or pricing in an attempt to avoid international fees or charges.
Additional information
We try to help when delays in delivery happen, but we cannot issue a refund on any portion of shipping unless the carrier approves a refund on shipping charges.
All packages are shipped to the provided address. If your address is not verified, you will be contacted via email or text message to verify your address. If your address is not valid, the processing time is longer. Please make sure your address includes zip code and apt number if applicable. Choosestitch is not responsible for undeliverable packages. Undeliverable packages will be returned to the sender and the customer will be contacted to update their address. Customer will be charged a shipping fee to reship a package that was returned.
Before you decide to order PREORDER item from our website, please note the following:
Payments are charged immediately at checkout not at fulfillment
If you decide to cancel your preorder, please do so before the estimated shipment date. You can cancel your order for full refund to your original method of payment
To cancel your Preorder please contact us at [email protected]
If you order your Preorder item with In Stock item you will be charged shipping cost only once. Your In Stock Item is going to be shipped shortly after placing the order and your Preorder Item is going to shipped separately
To return Preorder Items you have 30 days from the date your order has shipped – please contact us at [email protected] to request a return label
We do our best to communicate all the details about Preorder Items in the item description. if at any time you have further questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Preorder Items are special ordered for Choosestitch and it can take any time between 1-8 weeks for them to be made and delivered
The date is provided by our vendors and it is only an estimate. We only update the information if more information is provided
If you do not see an update then we do not have an update from vendors at this time